VentureRadar Database

Discover innovative companies

With more than 150,000 registered users, the VentureRadar Database is an invaluable tool for business professionals to discover, track and research companies globally.

The information we provide is constantly updated from public web sources which are filtered, structured, and transformed into company insights.


Our proprietary data, algorithms and tools allow you to discover, track and research companies in whatever way is easiest for you.

Apply a range of filters to find organisations that match your specific criteria. Filters include funding type received, location, founded year, and more.

Use our proprietary Similar Company algorithm to find companies that are like ones you are already interested in.

Set up email alerts to track the progress of selected companies. Find out about developments such as new funding raised, website traffic trends, and more.

Export results to CSV and carry out your own analysis, or integrate into your own processes.

Follow and track the progress of selected companies from your homepage. Find out about developments such as new funding raised, website traffic trends, and more.

Use our range of proprietary company scores to rank companies in your interest areas.

Detailed profiles on more than 310,000 companies. Our company profiles include dozens of data points, allowing you to understand, research and track companies of interest to you.

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Website crawled per month

Use cases

VentureRadar supports business professionals across a range of industries, helping them to discover, track and research companies globally.


Locate growing companies in specific markets and technology areas, uncovering companies with skilled employees or in need of skilled employees.

Innovation and R&D Managers

Locate companies with specific skills, innovations or technology that can help you achieve your own innovation and R&D goals.

Startups & SMEs

Ensure you have a profile on VentureRadar to be seen by potential customers, partners, investors, and keep track of other emerging companies in your market.

Events Professionals

Identify the leading companies relevant for your event themes and ensure your events have the highest quality speakers, exhibitors, and attendees.

Business Development

Business Development and M&A teams can discover and track emerging or established companies in strategically important areas.


Discover and track potential investment opportunities and keep a pulse on the market.

Start using the VentureRadar Database